The Edtech cheat sheet published here prompted me to write a post sharing a number of useful cheat sheets I refer to at times.
Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers
The Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers was put together by Joyce Seitzinger and is now available in multiple languages (including but not limited to Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Norwegian, Portugese, Spanish, Slovene) and adaptations as she published it with an open license for modification.
Joyce herself created it after seeing the Social Media Cheat Sheet. Read about it here on her blog. Download her original here.
Joyce recently adapted her Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers to become a D2Learn Tool Guide for Teachers.
A recent share by Joyce is her infographic Social Content Curation for Learning Communities which is also worth checking out.
Technology Intergration Matrix from University of South Florida
This is a Technology Integration Matrix. Whilst designed for use with teachers in primary and secondary schools, it is still useful for higher education. It takes five characteristics of the learning environment and then uses five levels of technology integration into the curriculum, from “entry” level where they are beginning to use technology tools to deliver curriculum content to students, to “transformation” level. This tool can be used to begin discussions on how curriculum design and teaching practice can be improved. This is an interactive tool so don’t just print out the front page! There are also videos that illustrate integration of technology taking into account the variety of technology available to students in different contexts. They do have some printable resources too.
Skype cheat sheet
Yes, emoticons are still alive and kicking. This cheatsheet from Factoryjoe is a useful quick guide to finding that emoticon that really helps give your conversation meaning. During the Olympics it was useful to know how to create the flags for each country (flag:NZ) and sending that virtual birthday cake (cake) is always a nice gesture to loved ones overseas.
In case anyone is interested, Moodle has emoticon codes too, there is even to create a little Martin!