25 June 2015

Moodlemoot Australia 2015

I hope you have all registered for mootau15 and I will see you at Monash University in (Clayton) Melbourne, 6 to 8 July 2015. This is going to be one very exciting Moot, boasting an impressive range of keynotes and with a new schedule format that makes the most of the time together. The introduction of working groups to the Moot format brings together users, researchers and developers to work together to make Moodle better.

MoodleMoot Australia 2015Monday 6 July is professional development day. There will be keynotes and sector based sessions, working groups, and drinks reception.

Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 July are community days, focusing on the interests of users in different roles. More keynotes, role based sessions, new features and roadmap, and more social activities.

Thursday 9 July is developers’ day. Even though the main conference is over, this will be a day of action for working group members and developers. There will be new developer training and a hackfest with working group interaction.

See you there!